Why is 23 October celebrated as Mole Day
Friends, today I tell you about a interesting day name "Mole Day". Interesting, because the timing and date represents a entire scientific number.
OK, let's start.
Mole day is celebrated on October 23, between 6:02AM and 6:02PM. It is a day, generally celebrated among scientific community especially, Chemist, Chemistry students and chemistry enthusiasts.
Friends, first I tell you what is mole? and then I describe why this date is chosen for Mole day.
What is Mole?
In Science, mole is a unit of substance like Dozen ( a set of twelve).
e.g. I can say,
"A dozen pens." , "One mole pens."
A dozen = 12 pieces
1 mole = 6.02214076 ✕ 1023 pieces
The number 6.02214076 ✕ 1023 is known as Avogadro's number.
In fact, we don't say one mole pens because one mole pen is huge number ( but we can say one mole pens).
The unit "mole" is used in Chemistry.
Generally, in Chemistry , we frequently use the terms:
"1 mole H (Hydrogen)."
"1 mole molecules." etc.
Why is October 23 chosen as Mole Day?
Why there is time boundation i.e. 6:02AM-6:02PM?
OK, I am answering all the questions.
We have already learnt that,
1mole =6.02214076 ✕ 1023 units of substance.
Generally, we don't say this big number, rather we say,
1 mole= 6.02 ✕ 1023 unit of substance.
In USA, people write the date as mm-dd-yyyy.
So, in USA format,
23rd October is written as 10-23.
Mole Day is celebrated between 6:02AM and 6.02PM on October 23. So, it can be written as
6:02AM to 6:02PM on 10-23.
Actually, it looks closer to 6.02 ✕ 1023(1 mole).
Hence, 23rd October and that specific time frame is chosen.
Thank You for reading.
Words which mean different in daily life conversation and scientific world
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