Purity Test of Sugar of Milk (Experiment in Homeopathic Pharmacy)
Purity test of Sugar of Milk
Requirement :
Test tube, test tube holder, test tube rack, labeling materials (pen, paper, scissors, gum).
Reagent :
Litmus paper (red and blue), Iodine solution.
Sugar of milk and purified water .
Experiment 1:
Some amount of sugar of milk is taken in the fingers and is poured on the tongue.
Observation :
Colour: milky white
Smell: Odorless
Taste: Faintly sweet
Feeling in touch: Crystalline powder
Inference :
May be pure.
Experiment 2:
Some amount of sugar of milk is taken in a clean test tube. Then, 5 times of its (sugar of milk taken test tube) bulk of water is mixed with it. Then gentle shaking is done until the sugar of milk is fully dissolve.
Observation :
Clear odorless solution without any sediment is formed.
Inference :
May be pure.
Experiment 3:
Litmus Test:
Some amount of sugar of milk is taken in a clean test tube. Sufficient amount of water is mixed with it to make a solution.
(a) A blue litmus paper is dipped into the solution.
(b) A red litmus paper is dipped into the solution.
Observation :
(a) The colour of blue litmus paper is not changed.
(b) The colour of red litmus paper is not changed.
Inference :
(a) Absence of Acid.
(b) Absence of alkali.
Experiment 4:
Iodine Test:
Some amount of sugar of milk is taken in a clean test tube and sufficient amount of purified water is mixed with it to make a solution. Few drops of iodine solution is added to the solution.
Observation :
No blue colour is noticed.
Inference :
Absence of starch.
Conclusion :
Supplied sugar of milk is pure.
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